Videc Farm and Cheese Production

There are 100 goats of the Slovene Alpine breed living freely on the Tincl Homestead, which also gave the name to our semi-hard cheese, Tincl. Their milk, of very high quality, is also used to make a wide range of excellent products which have received many awards. Since we strive towards quality, our products were, in addition to the mark of Selected Quality – Agricultural Product, also certified with the mark Hay Milk. This means that the goats do not eat silage, but hay and green grass.  The result is a higher quality of milk with a milder and more harmonious taste, and a lot of ingredients having a positive effect on the body. Such milk is higher in monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are considered beneficial for the functioning of the body. 

Our products can be purchased on our farm, as well as at the Celje market:
Tuesday from 7.30 am to 5 pm/in winter until 3 pm/
Thursday, Friday from 8 am to 2 pm
Saturday from 7.30 am to 1 pm

Telephone: 00386 (0)3 5740 472, 00386 (0)31 844 612
Website: and

GPS koordinate

Zemljepisna širina: 46.1844296° Zemljepisna dolžina: 15.3647403°