Plague Column in Marija Dobje

The 2.5 m high stone pillar with a square ground plan is typical of plague columns of those times. It has two pedestals, a capital decorated with whistles and a cymatium and a stone pyramidal roof with an iron cross at the top. On one side of the square column there is a relief of a cross with the year 1641 marked on it, and on the other side the head of an angel and a round cartouche with a Virgin Mary's monogram and beneath it the inscription ‘PLASE FIGLER’. The third side of the column has a cut off relief with the inscription ‘LAURE NESEBINE’ while the fourth side bears the monogram of Jesus and the inscription ‘JURI SDOVZ’. The column is richly sculpted with Renaissance motifs. 
A replica now stands at the original location in Marija Dobje since 2010. The original plague column is now situated in the Zgornji trg Gallery in Šentjur at the address Ulica Skladateljev Ipavcev 17.

GPS koordinate

Zemljepisna širina: 46.2223124° Zemljepisna dolžina: 15.3976769°