2. KUL bazar - KULinarični in KULturni bazar/ 2nd CUL Bazaar - CULinary and CULtural Bazaar

Vabljeni vsi, ki ste se preselili v Šentjur oziroma v Sloveniji z vsega sveta, da predstavite svojo kulturo in kulinariko na bazarju, ki bo v Šentjurju drugič potekal v soboto, 15. junija 2024, med 16.00 in 19.00 pod kostanji, v Zgornjem trgu. Veselimo se okušanja vaših tradicionalnih jedi in spoznavanja vaše bogate kulture. 

Razstavno-prodajni prostor (stojnice) vam pripravimo organizatorji. V kolikor imate kakšne posebne zahteve in vam lahko pomagamo, nas kontaktirajte. Ker je število stojnic omejeno, prosimo, da se prijavite najpozneje do petka, 31. maja 2024. Stojnine ni.

Prijave sprejemamo preko e-prijavnice:


Lansko leto so mnogi predstavniki držav sodelovali tudi v kulturnem programu, v kolikor bi želeli tudi vi sodelovati (glasbeni, plesni ali kakšen drug nastop), prosimo označite v prijavnici. 

Za vsa dodatna vprašanja smo vam voljo na kvirina.zupanc@ra-kozjansko.si ali 03 747 13 02.

In če poznate še koga, ki se je priselil v Šentjur in bi se želel predstaviti, vabljeni, da mu posredujete to vabilo. 

Zagotovo bo KUL!

V primeru slabega vremena bo bazar potekal 22. junija 2024.


Dear all who moved to Šentjur or Slovenia from all over the world!

It’s with great pleasure that we’re inviting you to a second multicultural bazaar in Šentjur to present your culture and cuisine on Saturday, 15th June 2024, from 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm under the chestnut trees in the Upper square of Šentjur. We look forward to tasting your traditional dishes and getting to know your rich culture. 

The stands will be prepared by the organiser. If you have any special requirements we can help with, please contact us. As the number of stands is limited, please register by Friday 31th May 2024 at the latest. There is no fee.

Applications are accepted via the e-application form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdVsrPhJZTId2fYK45bJFOPwHTugj5UlOB6wpEJYDN83_abuA/viewform

Last year, many country representatives also took part in the cultural programme, so if you would like to take part (music, dance or other performance), please indicate your interest in the registration form. 

For any further questions, please contact us at kvirina.zupanc@ra-kozjansko.si or 03 747 13 02.

And if you know anyone else who has moved to Šentjur and would like to introduce themselves, please forward this invitation to them. 

It will be KUL, for sure!

In case of bad weather, the bazaar will take place on 22 June 2024.

GPS koordinate

Zemljepisna širina: 46.031981° Zemljepisna dolžina: 14.529676°