Night of Astronomy in Prevorje

The Night of Astronomy in Prevorje is organised every year by the Prevorje Cultural Association and the Kosci Šentjur Astronomical Society. The event takes place on the last Saturday in July, which is the name day of St. Anne, to whom the Church in Prevorje right above the observatory is consecrated. The 19th Night of Astronomy, which is always opened with a lecture intended for the citizens, was organised in 2019.  The lecture is followed by observation, where the members of the Society place telescopes in the school’s yard. All public events of the Kosci Šentjur Astronomical Society are free of charge, and you are also invited to the observation in the spring, the observation of Perseids in August, and the traditional chestnut picnic under the stars in October.

You are warmly invited!

The observatory of the Kosci Šentjur Astronomical Society is located in the Prevorje Branch School, which is a branch school of the Slivnica pri Celju Primary School, Gorica pri Slivnici.

The MEADE SCT-300mm, (Schmidt-Cassegrain) telescope on the EQ6 drive is installed in the dome. In the dome, there is room for five adults at most to observe and search into the depths of the universe at an altitude of 550 metres in peace.

A strong light pollution is detected in the direction towards Zagreb and the Zasavje region.


Kosci Astronomical Society and Prevorje Educational Society
00386 (0)41 584 535

GPS koordinate

Zemljepisna širina: 46.1255982° Zemljepisna dolžina: 15.4767222°