European Pasqueflower

The European pasqueflower has a silky velvet stalk and incredible purple flowers that attract the attention of every visitor.  For this reason, it is at serious risk of extermination.  It blooms in February, March or April – depending on the weather. Since the species is endangered, it is a protected plant species in Slovenia. 

The pasqueflower belongs to the Ranunculaceae family and the Pulsatilla genus. The flower is light purple, with more than five petals, as well as many stamina and pistils. Small leaves protect the flower before it blooms. The stem is 5 to 30 cm high. Its fruit is a nut with a long hairy “beak”. The entire plant is covered with silky hairs that protect it against the cold. This is one of its rare habitats in Europe.
The habitat in Boletina in Ponikva is open to visitors.


  • The flower’s natural habitat is in Boletina, 1 km from the Church of St.  Martin in Ponikva, along the road in the direction of Šentvid, and past the natural biological cleaning plant in the village. 


Turistično olepševalno društvo Ponikva / Tourist Embellishment Society of Ponikva
Phone: 00386 31 704 980

GPS koordinate

Zemljepisna širina: 46.2517564° Zemljepisna dolžina: 15.4486331°