Ahac Inn

Opening hours for visitors:
Monday: 9 am–5 pm
Tuesday–Thursday: 9 am–9 pm
Friday:   9 am–10 pm
Saturday: 10 am–10 pm
Sunday: 10 am–6 pm

You cannot miss the Ahac Inn if you travel past Šentjur to the Obsotelje and Kozjansko regions, or return from there. A family inn, which has been popular for several years, offers refreshment, a shelter in the shadow and the warmth of the bread oven to hungry eaters and thirsty travellers.

With love for good home-made food and selected new culinary approaches, they offer various dishes, always using seasonal food. Good dishes are enriched by good wine.  Follow the advice of their waiters and waitresses, who will serve your favourite wines along with the dishes.

Snacks for hungry travellers, workers or random guests are prepared every day. They offer three selected menus, of which one is always vegetarian. Stop for a snack, business lunch or dinner for two. They offer the celebration of anniversaries, hosting of major business events and personal celebrations such as weddings, anniversaries, confirmation etc.

Telephone: 00386 (0)3 746 66 40
E-mail: gostilna@ahac.si
Website: www.priahacu.si


GPS koordinate

Zemljepisna širina: 46.2140171° Zemljepisna dolžina: 15.4270406°