Winter aconite

In the late winter as soon as the warmth of the sun melts the blanket of snow in the Bohor forests of Veliki Koprivnik and Veliki Javornik, the yellow flowers of the winter aconite (Eranthis hyemalis) pop out of the humus soil. 
This perennial, whose peltate leaves with several notches shoot out of the soil in late spring, has a height of 15 cm. The plant was brought from its homeland in the Balkans, and transplanted all over Europe. It was primarily planted in parks and gardens due to it its ornamental value and is rarely found in its natural habitat. 
There are only two reliable and confirmed natural habitats of the winter aconite, namely in Bohor, therefore in Slovenia it is categorized as an endangered plant species. 

  • The habitats are located 17 km from the centre of Šentjur towards the southern-most part of the municipality in the direction of Planina- Sevnica, take the exit to Veliki Javornik or Veliki Koprivnik. 

GPS koordinate

Zemljepisna širina: 46.031981° Zemljepisna dolžina: 14.529676°