Planina Museum Collection – Šmid Ethnological Collection

During his many years of service in Planina, the family physician Janez Šmid started a collection of ethnological items. He was interested in the folk heritage which was vanishing right before his eyes, and began collecting characteristic items from the area. He was especially encouraged to do that after the earthquake in 1974, which caused a great deal of damage, with folk traditions beginning to disappear from the original environment. 

The collection consists of objects and tools used by the inhabitants of Planina and the surrounding areas in the 19th and 20th centuries for everyday chores such as cooking in the so-called black kitchen, farm chores, viticulture, etc. Objects representing Shrovetide celebrations and other folk tradition are displayed separately. 
By prior arrangement.
TIC Šentjur and September Society
Phone: 00386 31 329 124 (Ms. Saša Krofl)

GPS koordinate

Zemljepisna širina: 46.1042606° Zemljepisna dolžina: 15.4064436°