
Tourist Information Centre (TIC) šentjur

We have prepared packages of tourist offers which will attract you to our beautiful place especially for you, your family, friends and acquaintances. At TIC we will be happy to give you information about the natural and cultural heritage, restaurants, accommodation, events and sporting activities in this area. Here you can get a tourist guide and/or buy interesting souvenirs. We also offer interesting excursions. We have a lot of informative material available for this area. You ...


Združenje zgodovinskih mest Slovenije tudi s Šentjurjem v nove turistične zgodbe

Občina Šentjur je članica Združenja zgodovinskih mest Slovenije, ki izpolnjujejo pogoj, da imajo ohranjeno staro mestno jedro. V Šentjurju je to Zgornji trg, ki je bil leta 2015 na natečaju Turistične zveze Slovenije Moja dežela – lepa in gostoljubna izbran za najlepše trško jedro v Sloveniji.       Prireditve v zgodovinskih mestih Stara slovenska mesta, ponosna na svoje posebnosti, se povezujejo v Združenje zgodovinskih mest Slovenije. Med seboj lahko dostopna mesta s ...


Explore the wonders of Šentjur in a video

Šentjur boasts with a number of attractions, natural and cultural heritage sites, musems and other points of interest. We kindly invite you to explore the wonders of this beautiful land.    


200th anniversary of Blaž Kocen's birth

January 24th, 2021 marked exactly 200 years since the birth of one of the most renowned European cartographers and geographers. He was born into a modest farmers family in Hotunje near the town of Ponikva, in what is today the municipality of Šentjur, the same year the famous Congress of Ljubljana took place. It was that same year that man set foot on Antarctica, the final unexplored continent, and the maps of the world got their current shape. During the fifty years of his life (he died on ...


Travel green, arrive in Šentjur Tour by public transport or bike

Travel sustainably, visit Šentjur Tour destination by train, bus or bike

Travel sustainably and visit our destination by train, bus or bike. Reduce your carbon footprint, use alternative modes of mobility instead of the car. Our destination is a recipient of the Slovenia Green Silver certificate.   Travel by train The Šentjur Tour destination is located along the famous Southern Railway, which connected Vienna with the Adriatic port city of Trieste in the mid-19th century. There are 5 train stations in the destination area: Šentjur, Grobelno, Ponikva, ...
